November 09, 2017


  • Make an ornament! Take inspiration from our recent roundup of Christian-themed ornaments and make your own.
  • Make your own piece of jewelry. Even if you don’t have previous jewelry-making experience, you can find necklace chains and Christian-themed charms at stores like Lifeway and Michael’s and easily make a “simple assembly” necklace or bracelet for a loved one.
  • Create a meaningful journal. Find an inexpensive journal you love (TJMaxx always has some in their clearance section) and write your favorite Bible verses on the bottom of various pages throughout. You can also include notes of encouragement or inside jokes. Your friend or family member can decide how to use the journal and whether to read all of your notes and verses right away or over time as they work through their new journal.
  • Make a mix CD. Create (in iTunes or Spotify) a playlist of Christian songs you think your loved one will adore. Burn them onto a CD and include a letter with a song list and the reason why you included each track. They’ll love discovering new music and hearing exactly why YOU think each song is important and meaningful.
  • Put together a message in a bottle. Use an old glass bottle (ask your parents for one of their leftovers or check for decorative options at discount stores) and stuff it full of notes with Bible verses and/or favorite quotes and messages of love. You can write them on small pieces of paper (or type them up, print them and cut them out) and then fold them up and put them all in the bottle. Create as many as you can and instruct your loved one to either pull one out every day until they run out or just whenever they need a little boost.